Wednesday, July 27, 2011

China Agrees To Erase Portion Of U.S. Debt If Americans Dress Up In Costumes And Perform Silly Dance For Them

China Agrees To Erase Portion Of U.S. Debt If Americans Dress Up In Costumes And Perform Silly Dance For Them

JULY 14, 2011 | ISSUE 47•28

Chinese president Hu Jintao said Americans should begin thinking of dance steps now.

-- BEIJING—In what it's describing as a magnanimous gesture toward an economy in decline, the Chinese government announced Monday it would forgive a portion of the staggering U.S. debt if Americans agreed to dress up in costumes and perform silly dances for their amusement.

With his nation holding $1.16 trillion in federal bonds and the U.S. showing no signs of ending its dependence on foreign credit, President Hu Jintao told reporters that allowing Americans to ease their fiscal burden in proportion to the number and quality of colorful dance numbers they perform is a mutually beneficial arrangement for both countries.

"Our great nation has generously agreed to decrease the considerable financial obligations of the United States," said Hu, standing before an enormous rack containing elaborate dance attire such as sequined vests and metallic lamé pants. "All we ask in return is that Americans put on outfits such as these and amuse us with buffoonish little kicks and twirls, preferably while slapping their big fat tummies. The U.S. will receive much needed debt relief, and China will enjoy watching the graceless flailing of decadent capitalists."

Addressing Americans directly, Hu continued: "In the seconds it will take you to object, your nation will slip hundreds of thousands of dollars further into our debt. That will mean 50 more of your countrymen having to put on a George Washington costume with a skirt and prance around with big smiles and heavily rouged cheeks while we pelt them with bits of your worthless currency from the windows of the Chinese embassy."

Enlarge Image

While Hu offered few specific rules to govern the debt-reduction scheme, he did provide a number of guidelines that he said would affect the amount deducted. Large, ambitious routines—the entire population of Ohio dressed in bright green leotards doing a high-stepping jig with Big Macs stuffed in their mouths, for example—could shave $20 billion from the debt in a matter of minutes. Meanwhile, smaller groups of Americans and even individuals could do their part by dressing up as cancan dancers and performing a kick line in front of the Vietnam Memorial, or by painting the Mandarin character for 'gorilla' on their faces and jumping up and down on their desks at work like "great big immoral apes."

Hu added that the dollar value of all dances could be increased by incorporating chants such as "I have no work ethic," "Look at what our pathetic democracy has done to us," and "I am so fat I must drive an SUV to go purchase a prostitute" into the routine. Conversely, acts may be disqualified entirely if professional dancers are employed or if participants do not seem suitably engaged in their performance.

Hu later confirmed that wearing brightly colored hats with bells on them could only help.

"All dancers will be required to demonstrate an exceptional level of commitment," said Hu, adding that, should a very large American dress up in a form-fitting outfit with his stomach hanging visibly over his waistband, and then pass out from physical exertion while his overweight children dance around him, an extra $12 million would be instantly knocked off the tab. "It will be insufficient to go through the motions. Any dancer who hand jives without proper rehearsal and a big smile is wasting his time."

"That is especially important," Hu added. "We want nice, big smiles from America."

Although any U.S. citizen is eligible to participate in the program, dances performed by members of the armed forces or practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism will be considered more valuable. Persons holding high office in the federal government stand to make the largest financial impact, especially, Hu said, if all 535 members of Congress perform a Yiddish bottle dance during his next state visit.

"I do not savor what I am going to do this evening," said a solemn President Obama, sitting at his Oval Office desk in the tiger-striped scoop neck he will wear for a salsa performance expected to cut the American debt by a whopping $30 billion. "I know that my partner, Speaker Boehner, shares my reluctance, but that we will both do what we must for the financial well-being of our country."

"But let me be clear," added a defiant Obama, the beads on his lacy sleeve jiggling as he emphatically pointed at the camera. "The United States will never dance for any nation on earth more than once. There will be no encore."

Shahzad Afzal


Thursday, July 21, 2011

US spy drone shot down by Iran

US spy drone shot down by Iran

 Updated at: 1245 PST,  Wednesday, July 20, 2011
US spy drone shot down by IranTEHRAN: A senior Iranian legislator confirmed earlier reports saying that a US drone has been shot down by Iran over Fordo nuclear enrichment plant in the Central Qom province.

Member of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Ali Aqazadeh Dafsari said on Tuesday that the unmanned spy plane was flying near the Fordo nuclear enrichment plant in Qom province when the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC)'s Air Defense units brought it down. 

The official stated that the US drone was on a mission to identify the location of the Fordo nuclear enrichment plant and gather information about the nuclear facility for the CIA, Dafsari stated. 

Earlier this year, a senior Iranian military official had confirmed reports on the shooting down of several enemy drones over the Persian Gulf, and said Iran has targeted a large number of these pilotless planes during the last 7 years. 

"We have experienced similar incidents many times in the past and there have even been drones belonging to the occupying Zionist regime (Israel), the United States and Britain which have been shot down in the Persian Gulf during the past 7 years," the senior military official told FNA in January. 

Also in January 2007, the Iranian military troops shot down a spy plane of the US army when trying to cross Iran-Iraq borders in the Southwestern city of Dasht-e-Azadegan, Khuzestan province. 

Shahzad Afzal


Monday, July 18, 2011

Criminal US Corporation: Coca-Cola Exposed!

A Look At One Criminal US Corporation: Coca-Cola Exposed! Killer Cola

I have been scouring over all my emails for the last day, and some friends of mine have been sending me information and asking for my help in putting up articles that they have come across that they feel that my own readers would be very interested in.    I have found one in particular that I feel has to be seen by everyone!

It is a fact that since childhood, most of us have been bombarded by articles, ads, talmudvision commercials, radio commercials, etc, by one of the biggest corporations in America, Coca-Cola Limited.  Everyone that I know have been drinking Coca-Cola since they were children.   Coca-Cola advertisements are everywhere, and even the Icon of Christmas, Santa Claus, has his current red and white uniform due to a Coca-Cola advertisement dating back from the 1930's!    Facts are facts...Coca-Cola is bottled worldwide, drank daily by billions of people, and makes BILLIONS of dollars in profits annually. 

For this article, I want to present a different look at the Coca-Cola Corporation that is quite disturbing.  Here is an important video, entitled: "Coca-Cola Exposed! Killer Cola (documentary)", that gives a different and very dark perspective on this massive American corporation, and a look at how it really operates around the world.  Here is that video:

Click here:

NTS Notes:  After I watched this entire video, I was shocked and appalled by how this giant icon of American power worldwide truly operates, especially in third world nations. 

Some facts are missing from this video, including the fact that sugar cane is no longer used as the sugar source in Coca-Cola bottling in North America.   Coca-Cola has switched its sugar source in bottling plants in Canada and the United States from Sucrose rich cane sugar to corn derived High Fructose Corn Syrup since the 1980's.    There have been many articles out now that show clear evidence that High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFC) in sodas has led to the massive explosion of obesity in North America... This is primarily due to the human body's inability to properly process Fructose in the metabolic Krebs Cycle... Coincidence?  I think not...  

I was also unaware that it takes 2.5 litres of clean water to make just one litre of Coca-Cola in these plants, and the fact that they have been using Caustic Soda in their bottle cleaning processes.   Caustic Soda is definitely harmful to plants and animals alike, and is clearly evident in the pollution from the bottling plants shown in this video.

So the next time you hear the popular jingles such as "Have a Coke and a Smile",  remember the facts presented in this video.... Another American Corporation at its best!

Shahzad Afzal


Fukushima & Fort Calhoun Nuclear Update 7/12/11

Half-Life of Uranium-238 = 4.468 Billion Years

Uploaded with Comments by MsMilkytheclown 
July 12, 2011

Half-life of some radioactive elements:

* Cesium-134 ~ 2 years 
* Cesium-137 ~ 30 years 
* Iodine-131 ~ 8 days 
* Plutonium-239 ~ 24,200 years 
* Ruthenium-103 ~ 39 days [Ruthenium is a fission product of uranium-235.] 
* Ruthenium-106 ~ 374 days 
* Strontium-90 ~ 28.85 years [Strontium-90 is a product of nuclear fission and is found 
in large amounts in spent nuclear fuel and in radioactive waste from nuclear reactors.] 
* Uranium-234 ~ 246,000 years 
* Uranium-235 ~ 703.8 million years 
* Uranium-238 ~ 4.468 billion years

NOTE: Half-life is the time taken for a radioactive substance to decay by half.

NOTE: Single radiation dose of 2,000 millisieverts (200,000 millirems) and above causes serious illness.

Shahzad Afzal


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Interesting fact about Libya

*Did you know this about Libya?*

Some other facts (that mainstream media will never disclose) about Gaddafi and Libya

- Loans to Libyan citizens are given with NO interest.

- Students would get paid the average salary for the profession they are studying for.

- If you are unable to get employment the state would pay the full salary as if you were employed until you find employment.

- When you get married the couple gets an apartment or house for free from the Government.

- You could go to college anywhere in the world. The state pays 2,500 euros plus accommodation and car allowance.

- The cars are sold at factory cost.

- *Libya does not owe money, (not a cent) to anyone. No creditors.

- Free education and health care for all citizens.

- 25% of the population with a university degree.

- No beggars on the streets and nobody is homeless (until the recent bombing).

- Bread costs only $0.15 per loaf.

No wonder the US and other capitalist countries do not like Libya. Gaddafi would not consent to taking loans from IMF or World Bank at high interest rates. In other words Libya was INDEPENDENT! That is the real reason for the war in Libya! He may be a dictator, but that is not the US problem. Also Gaddafi called on all Oil producing countries NOT to accept payment for oil in USD or Euros. He recommended that oil get paid for in GOLD and that would have bankrupted just about every
Western Country as most of them do not have gold reserves to match the rate at which they print their useless currencies.

Remember the last time someone had the “NERVEâ€
to make a similar statement was when Saddam Hoosein advised all Opec countries not to accept payment for oil in US Dollars. Well, we all know what happened to him . Yes, they HUNG HIM.

Shahzad Afzal


A new Great Game is evolving in Afghanistan


In the 19th century, it was the Russians and the British who wrestled for influence in Afghanistan and Central Asia in a highly-explosive endeavor known as the Great Game.


Today, Afghanistan's natural resources are estimated to be worth billions of dollars. The resources in the neighboring Central Asian states are thought to be worth even more - the cake is huge and as yet largely untouched.

While the US and China want an especially large slice of it, neighboring states Iran, Pakistan, India and Russia all have their eyes on it as well. Most experts agree that a battle for natural resources is underway, alongside the war against terrorism.



Not enough has been done to define who has access to the natural resources, says Thomas Greven, a political scientist who teaches at Berlin's Free University.


"If conflict arises, in the worst-case scenario, it will not be sufficient to have contracts on exploiting natural resources. The access has to be secured via military bases, as well as political and security cooperation," says Greven.


Setting the tone


New roads built by the US and used by China New roads built by the US and used by ChinaThe US and China have been competing for the world's natural resources for at least a decade now. Both countries know that direct access to energy resources will determine who can maintain their wealth. Greven points out that the new Great Game in Central Asia will thus decide whether the 21st century ends up being Chinese or American.


"The US is not indifferent to the fact that there are natural deposits in Afghanistan," says Greven, adding that Washington would not be thrilled to see China take control of the war-torn state's natural resources without taking part in the fight against international terrorism.


The Chinese government has been conducting an offensive "shopping spree" in Afghanistan and other Central Asian states for some time now. To Washington's displeasure, Beijing was able to secure the exploitation rights for the region's biggest copper mine, by shelling out three billion dollars. Now, fully-laden trucks head from the mine in eastern Afghanistan to China on roads built by the Americans.


Officially, Beijing insists it does not have any great ambitions in Afghanistan and the region. But many observers think China at least wants to set the tone.


For Jürgen Stetten, the head of Asia at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the truth lies "somewhere in the middle."


"Even if it wanted to, China could not afford not to be a player in the geo-strategic game, including in Afghanistan," he says.


Avoiding direct confrontation

Until now, China has deliberately avoided direct confrontation with the US. The emerging superpower feels threatened by the 100,000 US soldiers in its direct vicinity. Stetten says Beijing is also concerned about the US' plans to maintain a presence in Afghanistan after 2014.


"Obviously China has no interest in being surrounded by US military bases," he says, adding however, that the situation does not look likely to change in the immediate future. This is why he thinks China is looking more at cooperating closely with Pakistan.


Beijing sees in Islamabad a loyal ally against India - its biggest rival in the region - and also thinks that with Pakistan's help it will better be able to consolidate its interests in Afghanistan, particularly after the US withdraws.


Stetten says that it is difficult to predict the outcome of the new Great Game in Afghanistan, but he believes it could very likely be catastrophic for Afghanistan. "A return of the Taliban, or proxy wars between the region's big rivals, China or India, or the US, could land the country in a conflict that it will not get out of for some time."


Author: Ratbil Shamel (act)
Editor: Sarah Berning Deutsche Welle

Shahzad Afzal


Friday, July 1, 2011

US Rejects Demands to Vacate Pakistan Drone Base

US Rejects Demands to Vacate Pakistan Drone Base

July 01, 2011 "Dawn" - -The United States is rejecting demands from Pakistani officials that American personnel abandon a military base used by the CIA to stage drone strikes against suspected militants, U.S. officials told Reuters.
U.S. personnel have not left the remote Pakistani military installation known as Shamsi Air Base and there is no plan for them to do so, said a U.S. official familiar with the matter, who asked for anonymity to discuss sensitive material.
"That base is neither vacated nor being vacated," the official said. The information was confirmed by a second U.S. official.
The U.S. declaration that drone operations in Pakistan will continue unabated is the latest twist in a fraught relationship between security authorities in Washington and Islamabad, which has been under increasing strain for months.
Regarding the Shamsi base in particular, Pakistani officials have frequently suggested it is being shuttered, comments that may be aimed at quieting domestic opposition to U.S. military operations using Pakistani soil.
Earlier this week, Pakistani Defense Minister Ahmed Mukhtar told the Financial Times that Pakistan had already stopped U.S. drone operations there.
On Thursday, Mukhtar told Reuters: "When they (U.S. forces) will not operate from there, no drone attacks will be carried out."
He said Islamabad had been pressuring the U.S. to vacate the base even before the May 2 commando raid in which U.S. Navy SEAL commandos killed Osama bin Laden. After the raid, Mukhtar said, "We told them again."
A senior Pakistani military official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, added that when U.S. forces first launched counter-terrorism operations in Afghanistan, Pakistan "provided Americans two bases in Jacobabad and Shamsi. Jacobabad base has been vacated for long time ago, but Shamsi is still with them."
"They are vacating it," the official insisted. "Shamsi base was for logistic purpose. They also used it for drones for some time but no drones have been flown from there."
The official said no base in Pakistan was presently used by the Americans for drone operations. But he did not give a precise date for when drones supposedly stopped operating from Shamsi.
The U.S. officials disputed that account. If anything, the Obama administration is moving to a counter-terrorism strategy based more on drone strikes and other covert operations than on deploying large numbers of troops.
On Wednesday, John Brennan, president Barack Obama's top counter-terrorism advisor, promised that in the tribal regions along the Afghan/Pakistan border, the U.S. would continue to "deliver precise and overwhelming force against al Qaeda."
"And when necessary, as the President has said repeatedly, if we have information about the whereabouts of al Qaeda, we will do what is required to protect the United States -- as we did with bin Laden," Brennan said in a speech.
Pakistani officials have faced fierce criticism for tacitly allowing the CIA to conduct drone operations on Pakistani soil. Allegations that civilian bystanders have been killed in drone attacks have only compounded the political problems facing Pakistani authorities.
Brennan rejected suggestions that U.S. drone attacks had caused numerous civilian casualties, claiming that the U.S. had been "exceptionally precise and surgical" in its operations. "Not a single collateral death" had been caused by U.S. counter-terrorism operations over the last year, he said.
U.S. officials have said that since the United States in July 2008 greatly increased the rate of drone-borne missile strikes against suspected militants along the Afghan/Pakistan border, the number of civilian deaths caused by such attacks has totaled under 40. Some Pakistani officials and human rights activists have claimed the death toll is much higher.


Shahzad Afzal


8 Radiation Sickness Signs

8 radiation sickness signs (Slideshow) 
By Deborah Dupre, Human Rights Examiner
June 18, 2011 3:28 pm ET 

..Due to nuclear assaults on the environment and life on it, humans are increasingly susceptible to irradiation poisoning them. Little information is being broadcasted about radiation sickness and its eight main signs. People who have been radiated often, therefore, attribute their new conditions to other than the actual cause, radiation. 
The eight most common signs of radiation are:

1. Nausea and vomiting are typical early symptoms of radiation sickness. The higher the dose of irradiation, the faster they appear and the worse the overall prognosis. Irradiation is the process by which an item is exposed to radiation. 

If vomiting begins one hour after irradiation, death is probable. Very often, people who suffered radiation exposure first feel awful, but then improve. As a rule, however, more severe symptoms occur in a few hours, days or even weeks.

2. Nose bleeding often occurs with radiation sickness. Blood of the throat, bleeding gums or blood from the rectum are also signs that radiation has impacted the body. Bleeding bruises occur, sometimes hematemesis. The bleeding is caused by the radiation reducing the number of platelets that clot blood in the body.

3. Diarrhea, sometimes bloody: Burning, or "hits" are common. "Hits" along the body's cells that rapidly reproduce, including in the digestive tract cells. Irradiation causes irritation of the digestive organs that can cause diarrhea, sometimes bloody diarrhea.

4. Severe sunburn appearance: Skin exposed to radiation can become red and covered with blisters as though strongly sunburned. In some cases, ulcers appear and in others, the skin may climb in round pattern.

5. Hair loss: One of the most common signs of radiation poisoning is hair loss, as cancer survivors note soon after radiation treatment. Radiation damages hair follicles so people being radiated usually oblyseet two or three weeks. In some cases, the hair loss is irreparable.

6. Fatigue and exhaustion: Radiation sickness causes weakness that feels similar to the flu and is often mistaken for "having the flu." Decreasing the number of red blood cells results in anemia and increased risk of fainting.

7. Mouth sores: Radiation sickness causes ulcers on lips or and in the mouth. Similar ulcers occur inside the esophagus, stomach and intestines.

8. Infection susceptibility: Radiation acts on white blood cells responsible for resisting infections, so people become more susceptible to viruses, bacteria and fungal diseases.

For free copies of Mr. Jeff Rense's ebook that he stated is "guaranteed to save lives," "Coming Clean, From Denial to Detox," see 


Continue reading on 8 radiation sickness signs (Slideshow) - National Human Rights |

Shahzad Afzal


Drama of Devolution under 18th Amendment

It is not surprising to note that despite high sounding drum-beating of 'Devolution of powers to Provinces' nothing has been practically devolved under 18th Amendment in respect of policy decisions, financial controls and regulatory powers.


Everybody knows that the ministries exercise their powers and functions through attached Departments / Organizations. Take example of Federal ministry of food and agriculture; the subject was a provincial matter even before the 18th Amendment but all policy matters, foreign aid/loan and regulatory functions were exercised by the Federation.


Now notionally the ministry has been devolved to provinces but the situation on the ground is still as under;




Department /

Mega Project




Shifted to

Another Federal




Department of

Plant Protection



To Min of Commerce



Seed Certification

& Registration




To Min of

Science & Tech



Pakistan Agricultural

Storage and Services




To Min of




Pakistan Agricultural

Research Council


Yes to

Min of Sc. & Tech



Pakistan Central

Cotton Committee



To Min of Textile



Pakistan Oilseed

Development Board





Soil Survey of







Agriculture Policy



Yes to

Min of Planning



Economic Wing


Yes to

Min of Planning



WTO Cell


Yes to

Min of Econ. Affairs



Animal Quarantine




To Min of Commerce



Federal Water

Management Cell



To Min of Power



Pakistan Tobacco



Yes to

Min of Sc. & Tech




Horticulture Board



To Min of Commerce



Mega Project




To Min of Commerce

Rs 773



Mega Project

Vegetable Hybrid

Seed Production



To Min of

Science & Tech

Rs 500



Mega Project





To Min of

Science & Tech

Rs 826



Mega Project

Crop Maximization


Yes to

Min of Sc. & Tech

Rs 8,013



Mega Project

National Commercial

Seed Production



To Min of

Science & Tech

Rs 3,500



Mega Project

Commercialization of

Tea Production



To Min of

Science & Tech

Rs 492



Mega Project

Boosting Fodder




To Min of

Science & Tech

Rs 611



Mega Project

Neelibar Agri. Res.


Yes to

Min of Sc. & Tech

Rs 348



Mega Project

Benazir Bhutto

Res. Station



To Min of

Science & Tech

Rs 916



Mega Project

Pak China Coop


Yes to

Min of Sc. & Tech

Rs 691



Mega Project

Indigenization of

Hybrid Seed Prod



To Min of

Science & Tech

Rs 655



Mega Project

Pak China Rice


Yes to

Min of Sc. & Tech

Rs 433



Mega Project

Pak China Cold




To Min of

Science & Tech

Rs 2,229



Mega Project

National Institute of




To Min of

Science & Tech

Rs 482



Mega Project

Water Conservation



To Min of Power

Rs 18,000






Yes to

Min of Sc. & Tech



Conclusion: It is evident that nothing is going to change after so called devolution and the ministry may be re-established with a new name within few days to continue business as usual. Chief Minister of Punjab has raised his concerns on the superficial process of devolution without handing over of assets and infrastructure in case of all devolved ministries. In return the movement of wheat from Punjab (to Balochistan and for export) through Sindh has been subjected to 'Private Tax' levied by private army of a sitting Sindh Minister.

Shahzad Afzal